Spring Cleaning

Hello! Just a short warning to those who want to avoid reading anything political to turn away before starting to read this long blog of mine. This is an Idea that I want to share, but it is also an idea that I know not many people are willing to stomach.

Have you ever done spring cleaning at home? I remember doing those kinds of things with my mother. We'd ransack the entire living room and completely disarrange the furniture that was neatly arranged in the living room, then we'd roll up the carpets and the rugs and remove and displace basically anything that contributed to the aesthetic beauty of the living room.

And what do you think we'd find? Dirt, dust and all other kinds of hidden messes that had accumulated over the course of the past year. We'd sweep up the entire place, the dust would fly up in the air and the living room would be generally uncomfortable. It was a long and arduous way to clean an area, but the results are magnificent!

We'd wipe every nook and cranny of the shelves and cabinets clean with wet cloths, covering our mouths with cloth, getting dust in our eyes, and just generally get our hands dirty with all the crap that we're trying to clean.

Occasionally we'd come across a nest of wasps/insects that may have had the chance to hide themselves and we'd have to try to exterminate them. We'd fight off spiders, a small colony of termites, generally try to just get rid of the pests that were making a mess in the hidden nooks of our home.

And this is important; do you know why? Because if left alone, these little pests will grow bigger and destroy things that may eventually affect the structure and foundations of our home. Even if it's a concrete home, you wouldn't want to replace a large section of your home just because you ignored these petty little pests, right?

It's the same with the Philippines. We're a horrid, horrid mess of corrupt politicians, uneducated idiots, drug lords, addicts, and pushers... we've had a lot of "informal settlers" Basically squatters-- living in a worse condition than the ghettos of Detroit-- in fact even the ghettos of Detroit have it better, because at least they don't have to eat from the leftovers of the rich in Manila. Those guys literally live like dogs, eating from trashbins and cooking food from the food wastes from the many high-end restaurants in the city.

When the president came, I was already aware of the shitstorm that will ensue afterwards, I expected pretty much what happened: The police going overdrive with their chases, deaths all around, basically almost every crime that was hidden by corrupt politicians were uncovered and the Philippine economy in a mess; I already had thought that we'd definitely end up scaring investors and the peso will get weaker as a result. I also expected that half of the cowardly politicians would stir up shit just to protect their own hidden agendas.

That's the Philippines right now. The cowards are all so darned focused in taking down the president that they'd do everything in their power to bring him down. They don't understand that the mess we're making is to basically make the whole country cleaner. When the dust settles, we ought to have a relatively clean country, absent of all the crap that has been ravaging our country for the past 50 years or so.

But then, in comes Leni, the next "Gloria Macapagal" in my opinion. Supposedly she's a smart, educated, well to do politician with a very high moral standard.

Does she? The fact that she's taking on the role to lead an opposition against the president is a handicap to the clean up at best, and just plain treasonous at worst. No matter what speech she will make, it doesn't hide the fact that what she's doing will not benefit the country-- only Manila, as it always have been; Manila, the spoiled brat of the country, getting fatter and more full with corrupt fat cats while the rest of the country starves.

So let's oppose the opposition. Only criminals are afraid of justice and retribution. If these people against Duterte are so innocent, then why are they so afraid of him? He does not target good people who do their jobs right, he even kicks out the people who are incompetent in their positions. We need change. No longer should we be satisfied with an incompetent politician who won the elections through under handed means; no longer should we be satisfied with members in the seat of the government who are unable to even do their jobs the right way. (I'm looking at you, DPWH, with all your useless road reblockings, I'm also looking at you, LTO, with all your under-the-table deals).

Let's kick out Leni too, because she doesn't understand the needs of the many, but rather she'd satisfy the needs of the few-- the elite few. We don't need people like her, we don't need complacent idiots running our country. We need strong willed, innovative, creative people, women and men alike, who are not only progressive, open to change, and most importantly, rule out bullshit.

Let's help the president give our country a good Spring Cleaning!


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