My first ever blog.

What will I ever write about? My mind is running through so many things that I cannot almost catch them. As Chopin's Nocturne plays in the background, my eyes fall drowsy as my brain tunes into the song, its sweet melody a tempting allure to sleep.

I decide to write about music, especially the music that I am listening to now. Before you continue reading this, why don't you try to open the link, and try to imagine with me?

As I write this little piece of mine, I am alone, in my room, hunched on my back, with only the bright light of the screen the only source of light on the room. Everything is dark, yet it feels like I'm set on a small couch, quietly sipping tea on a cold evening, a fire cackling on the side.

As the thunder claps outside, its soft bass boom echoing through the room an added ambiance to the rainy setting I have on my mind. The soft music has made me feel drowsy, so I close my book, and here we end this little story with a dot.

Well, that's it for a first piece. I hope this is a good start.

Here's to more in this little corner.

Your dear friend,

The drowsy little night owl.


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