Hello! I'm the Sleepy Night Owl!

I know that most of my posts wont be read by a hundred thousand people, or that what I will do will change the world, or whatever it is that is happening here. But I'll do my best to keep on writing.

One of the best times to write is at night. I decided to call myself the sleepy night owl because honestly, in real life, I work as an event organizer-- in the sponsorship department. Events work tend to have daunting work hours--sometimes you even end up working for over a hundred hours a week!

Pay's good though--well, good enough, at least here in my country, and you can carry over a little pride for being who you are, and meet a few important people, here and there. But I'm an overthinker, and being an overthinker really makes this job difficult. So here is my outlet; becoming a blogger here at Blogger. I don't think I really blog, since I just simply write what comes to mind. Mostly I just write what runs through my head. Makes the brain overwork, makes it overheat, makes it tired.

Writing these things help me to sleep. Whereas before I used to be able to sleep at 4 in the morning, at least now this helps me sleep at 1 in the morning, maybe even 2 in the morning.

It's me, I'm the sleepy night owl. Signing off!


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